Scorciatoie da tastiera per Excel

Combinazioni di tasti per velocizzare l’uso di Excel.

FileCreate new workbookCtrl + N
FileOpen workbookCtrl + O
FileSave workbookCtrl + S
FileSave asF12
FilePrint fileCtrl + P
FileOpen print preview windowCtrl + F2
FileClose current workbookCtrl + F4
FileClose ExcelAlt + F4
RibbonExpand or collapse ribbonCtrl + F1
RibbonActivate access keysAlt
RibbonMove to next ribbon controlTab
RibbonActivate or open selected controlSpace
RibbonConfirm control changeEnter
RibbonGet help on selected controlF1
GeneralOpen helpF1
GeneralUndo last actionCtrl + Z
GeneralRedo last actionCtrl + Y
GeneralRepeat last actionF4
GeneralCopy selected cellsCtrl + C
GeneralCut selected cellsCtrl + X
GeneralPaste content from clipboardCtrl + V
GeneralDisplay the Paste Special dialog boxCtrl + Alt + V
GeneralDisplay find and replaceCtrl + F
GeneralDisplay find and replace, replace selectedCtrl + H
GeneralFind next matchShift + F4
GeneralFind previous matchCtrl + Shift + F4
GeneralCreate embedded chartAlt + F1
GeneralCreate chart in new worksheetF11
GeneralToggle AutofilterCtrl + Shift + L
GeneralActivate filterAlt + DownArrow
GeneralInsert tableCtrl + T
GeneralSelect table rowShift + Space
GeneralSelect table columnCtrl + Space
GeneralSelect tableCtrl + A
Drag and DropDrag and cutdrag
Drag and DropDrag and copyCtrl + drag
Drag and DropDrag and insertShift + drag
Drag and DropDrag and insert copyCtrl + Shift + drag
Drag and DropDrag to worksheetAlt + drag
Drag and DropDrag to duplicate worksheetCtrl + drag
NavigationMove one cell rightRightArrow
NavigationMove one cell leftLeftArrow
NavigationMove one cell upUpArrow
NavigationMove one cell downDownArrow
NavigationMove one screen rightAlt + PgDn
NavigationMove one screen leftAlt + PgUp
NavigationMove one screen upPgUp
NavigationMove one screen downPgDn
NavigationMove to right edge of data regionCtrl + RightArrow
NavigationMove to left edge of data regionCtrl + LeftArrow
NavigationMove to top edge of data regionCtrl + UpArrow
NavigationMove to bottom edge of data regionCtrl + DownArrow
NavigationMove to beginning of rowHome
NavigationMove to last cell in worksheetCtrl + End
NavigationMove to first cell in worksheetCtrl + Home
NavigationTurn End mode onEnd
SelectionSelect entire rowShift + Space
SelectionSelect entire columnCtrl + Space
SelectionSelect entire worksheetCtrl + A
SelectionAdd adjacent cells to selectionShift + Click
SelectionAdd non-adjacent cells to selectionCtrl + Click
SelectionMove right between non-adjacent selectionsCtrl + Alt + RightArrow
SelectionMove left between non-adjacent selectionsCtrl + Alt + LeftArrow
SelectionToggle add to selection modeShift + F8
SelectionCancel selectionEsc
Active CellSelect active cell onlyShift + Backspace
Active CellShow the active cell on worksheetCtrl + Backspace
Active CellMove active cell clockwise in selectionCtrl + .
Active CellMove active cell down in selectionEnter
Active CellMove active cell up in selectionShift + Enter
Active CellMove active cell right in a selectionTab
Active CellMove active cell left in a selectionShift + Tab
Extend SelectionExtend selection by one cell rightShift + RightArrow
Extend SelectionExtend selection by one cell leftShift + LeftArrow
Extend SelectionExtend selection by one cell upShift + UpArrow
Extend SelectionExtend selection by one cell downShift + DownArrow
Extend SelectionExtend the selection to the last cell rightCtrl + Shift + RightArrow
Extend SelectionExtend the selection to the last cell leftCtrl + Shift + LeftArrow
Extend SelectionExtend the selection to the last cell upCtrl + Shift + UpArrow
Extend SelectionExtend the selection to the last cell downCtrl + Shift + DownArrow
Extend SelectionExtend selection up one screenShift + PgUp
Extend SelectionExtend selection down one screenShift + PgDn
Extend SelectionExtend selection right one screenAlt + Shift + PgDn
Extend SelectionExtend selection left one screenAlt + Shift + PgUp
Extend SelectionExtend selection to start of rowShift + Home
Extend SelectionExtend selection to first cell in worksheetCtrl + Shift + Home
Extend SelectionExtend selection to last cell in worksheetCtrl + Shift + End
Extend SelectionToggle extend selection modeF8
Select SpecialDisplay 'Go To' dialog boxCtrl + G
Select SpecialSelect cells with commentsCtrl + Shift + O
Select SpecialSelect current region around active cellCtrl + Shift + *
Select SpecialSelect current regionCtrl + A
Select SpecialSelect current arrayCtrl + /
Select SpecialSelect row differencesCtrl + \
Select SpecialSelect column differencesCtrl + Shift + |
Select SpecialSelect direct precedentsCtrl + [
Select SpecialSelect all precedentsCtrl + Shift + {
Select SpecialSelect direct dependentsCtrl + ]
Select SpecialSelect all dependentsCtrl + Shift + }
Select SpecialSelect visible cells onlyAlt + ;
Cell edit modeEdit the active cellF2
Cell edit modeInsert or edit commentShift + F2
Cell edit modeCancel entryEsc
Cell edit modeSelect one character rightShift + RightArrow
Cell edit modeSelect one character leftShift + LeftArrow
Cell edit modeMove one word rightCtrl + RightArrow
Cell edit modeMove one word leftCtrl + LeftArrow
Cell edit modeSelect one word rightCtrl + Shift + RightArrow
Cell edit modeSelect one word leftCtrl + Shift + LeftArrow
Cell edit modeSelect to beginning of cellShift + Home
Cell edit modeSelect to end of cellShift + End
Cell edit modeDelete to end of lineCtrl + Delete
Cell edit modeDelete character to the left of cursorBackspace
Cell edit modeDelete character to the right of cursorDelete
Cell edit modeStart a new line in the same cellAlt + Enter
Entering dataEnter and move downEnter
Entering dataEnter and move upShift + Enter
Entering dataEnter and move rightTab
Entering dataEnter and move leftShift + Tab
Entering dataComplete entry and stay in same cellCtrl + Enter
Entering dataEnter same data in multiple cellsCtrl + Enter
Entering dataInsert current dateCtrl + ;
Entering dataInsert current timeCtrl + Shift + :
Entering dataFill down from cell aboveCtrl + D
Entering dataFill right from cell leftCtrl + R
Entering dataCopy formula from cell aboveCtrl + '
Entering dataCopy value from cell aboveCtrl + Shift + "
Entering dataAdd hyperlinkCtrl + K
Entering dataDisplay AutoComplete listAlt + DownArrow
Entering dataFlash fillCtrl + E
FormattingFormat (almost) anythingCtrl + 1
FormattingDisplay Format Cells with Font tab selectedCtrl + Shift + F
FormattingApply or remove bold formattingCtrl + B
FormattingApply or remove italic formattingCtrl + I
FormattingApply or remove underscoringCtrl + U
FormattingApply or remove strikethrough formattingCtrl + 5
FormattingAlign centerAlt + H + A + C
FormattingAlign leftAlt + H + A + L
FormattingAlign rightAlt + H + A + R
FormattingIndentAlt + H + 6
FormattingRemove indentAlt + H + 5
FormattingIncrease font size one stepAlt + H + F + G
FormattingDecrease font size one stepAlt + H + F + K
Number FormattingApply general formatCtrl + Shift + ~
Number FormattingApply currency formatCtrl + Shift + $
Number FormattingApply percentage formatCtrl + Shift + %
Number FormattingApply scientific formatCtrl + Shift + ^
Number FormattingApply date formatCtrl + Shift + #
Number FormattingApply time formatCtrl + Shift + @
Number FormattingApply number formatCtrl + Shift + !
BordersAdd border outlineCtrl + Shift + &
BordersAdd or remove border rightAlt + R
BordersAdd or remove border leftAlt + L
BordersAdd or remove border topAlt + T
BordersAdd or remove border bottomAlt + B
BordersAdd or remove border upward diagonalAlt + D
BordersAdd or remove border horizontal interiorAlt + H
BordersAdd or remove border vertical interiorAlt + V
BordersRemove bordersCtrl + Shift + _
FormulasToggle absolute and relative referencesF4
FormulasOpen the Insert Function Dialog BoxShift + F3
FormulasAutosum selected cellsAlt + =
FormulasToggle formulas on and offCtrl + '
FormulasInsert function argumentsCtrl + Shift + A
FormulasEnter array formulaCtrl + Shift + Enter
FormulasCalculate worksheetsF9
FormulasCalculate active worksheetShift + F9
FormulasForce calculate all worksheetsCtrl + Alt + F9
FormulasEvaluate part of a formulaF9
FormulasExpand or collapse the formula barCtrl + Shift + U
FormulasDisplay function arguments dialog boxCtrl + A
FormulasDefine nameCtrl + F3
FormulasDefine name using row and column labelsCtrl + Shift + F3
FormulasPaste name into formulaF3
FormulasAccept function with autocompleteTab
Grid OperationsDisplay Insert Dialog boxCtrl + Shift + +
Grid OperationsInsert rowsCtrl + Shift + +
Grid OperationsInsert columnsCtrl + Shift + +
Grid OperationsDisplay Delete dialog boxCtrl + -
Grid OperationsDelete rowsCtrl + -
Grid OperationsDelete columnsCtrl + -
Grid OperationsDelete cellsCtrl + -
Grid OperationsDelete contents of selected cellsDelete
Grid OperationsHide columnsCtrl + 0
Grid OperationsHide rowsCtrl + 9
Grid OperationsUnhide rowsCtrl + Shift + 9
Grid OperationsUnhide columnsCtrl + Shift + 0
Grid OperationsGroup rows or columnsAlt + Shift + RightArrow
Grid OperationsUngroup rows or columnsAlt + Shift + LeftArrow
Grid OperationsOpen Group Dialog BoxAlt + Shift + RightArrow
Grid OperationsOpen Ungroup Dialog BoxAlt + Shift + LeftArrow
Grid OperationsHide or show outline symbolsCtrl + 8
Pivot TablesSelect entire pivot tableCtrl + A
Pivot TablesToggle pivot table field checkboxSpace
Pivot TablesGroup pivot table itemsAlt + Shift + RightArrow
Pivot TablesUngroup pivot table itemsAlt + Shift + LeftArrow
Pivot TablesHide pivot table itemCtrl + -
Pivot TablesCreate pivot chart on same worksheetAlt + F1
Pivot TablesCreate pivot chart on new worksheetF11
Pivot TablesOpen pivot table wizardAlt + D + P
WorkbookInsert new worksheetShift + F11
WorkbookGo to next worksheetCtrl + PgDn
WorkbookGo to previous worksheetCtrl + PgUp
WorkbookMove to next paneF6
WorkbookMove to previous paneShift + F6
WorkbookGo to next workbookCtrl + Tab
WorkbookGo to previous workbookCtrl + Shift + Tab
WorkbookMinimize current workbook windowCtrl + F9
WorkbookMaximize current workbook windowCtrl + F10
WorkbookSelect adjacent worksheetsShift + Click
WorkbookSelect non-adjacent worksheetsCtrl + Click
WorkbookToggle scroll lockScrLk
Dialog boxesMove to next controlTab
Dialog boxesMove to previous controlShift + Tab
Dialog boxesMove to next tabCtrl + Tab
Dialog boxesMove to previous tabCtrl + Shift + Tab
Dialog boxesAccept and applyEnter
Dialog boxesCheck and uncheck boxSpace
Dialog boxesCancel and close the dialog boxEsc
OtherOpen Spelling dialog boxF7
OtherOpen Thesaurus dialog boxShift + F7
OtherOpen Macro dialog boxAlt + F8
OtherOpen VBA EditorAlt + F11
OtherDuplicate objectCtrl + D
OtherSnap to gridAlt
OtherHide or show objectsCtrl + 6
OtherDisplay Modify Cell Style dialog boxAlt + '
OtherDisplay shortcut menuShift + F10
OtherDisplay control menuAlt + Space

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